Training 5 year olds in soccer can be a fun and rewarding experience. At this age, children are developing their coordination, motor skills, and social abilities. It is important to create a positive and enjoyable environment that promotes learning and teamwork. In this article, we will discuss what you should know about training 5-year-olds in soccer and provide some top fun soccer games for this age group.

Understanding the Needs of Kids

Before diving into specific drills and games, it is crucial to understand the developmental needs of 5-year-olds. At this age, children have short attention spans and limited physical abilities. They are still learning basic movements like running, kicking, and passing. It is important to keep the activities simple, engaging, and age-appropriate.

How to Train 5 Year Olds in Soccer

When training U5 kids in soccer, it is essential to focus on the fundamentals and make learning fun. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Keep it simple: Break down skills into simple steps and use clear instructions.
  • Use storytelling: Incorporate storytelling and imaginative play to keep the children engaged.
  • Positive reinforcement: Encourage and praise the children for their efforts and improvements.
  • Small-sided games: Use small-sided games to teach basic concepts like passing, dribbling, and shooting.
  • Variety: Introduce a variety of activities and drills to keep the children interested and motivated.

Best Soccer Drills & Fun Games for U5 year olds

Now, let’s explore some fun soccer drills for 5 year olds and games that are perfect for kids training.

Here are some fun games you can perform with your children aged 4-5 anywhere to improve their ball control. You can use any objects to act as cones and barely any space is needed.

Use these exercises to warm up before training or increase reps to use it as a full ball control training session. Repeat these exercises often to see improvements in your ball control. Keep the ball close

If you let the ball get away from you it will get stolen by defenders. Use small choppy touches to control the ball. You will move slowly at first, but you will get faster and faster (while keeping control of the ball) as you practice. Keep the ball close. The ball should be glued to your feet

Coordination-Exercises with the ball.

Improve first touch, coordination and fundamental skills for this age.

In the video 5 year old Arlo is guided through the steps of a ball manipulation move; a turn; a beat the man move and juggling challenge. 1. Boxing 2. Stop Turn 3. Scissors 4. Karate Kid juggle 5. Combo

Enjoy and as you can see from the video it will take some patience with a 5 year old!!

Passing and receiving

Learn the techniques of passing and receiving. How to pass with inside/outside of foot, and how to receive and stop the ball to have under control.

Pass and move

This video program is designed to teach football to 4, 5, 6 year olds. In this video we practice inside and outside foot passing using both feet, as well as movement off the ball.

-Pass through the gates

-Only run around one cone

-Only run around one shoe

Shooting Drills for 5 year olds

Demonstration of how a 5 year old should learn kicking the ball and scoring goals.

Soccer dribbling drills for kids/beginner’s.


In this video, we will learn how to dribble a soccer ball! This video is for the kids/beginners in soccer. If you are just starting out in soccer and want to learn how to dribble a soccer ball then this video is for you. I will have other videos in the future covering passing, shooting, dribbling, trapping , etc.

Tips for Coaching U5 

1. Be prepared for when they arrive. Have the first game ready to go.
2. Be welcoming, enthusiastic, and remember to smile.
3. Keep explanations simple, let them ask questions.
4. Be inclusive, involve all players.
5. Always encourage and praise.
6. Use a whistle or fun sound like a hooter to gain their attention. Avoid shouting and losing patience.
7. Use visual aids/colours to enhance their observation.
8. Avoid highlighting errors or weaknesses, and do not use negative words.
9. Use your player’s names. If a player has a nickname that is fine, but don’t make one up, it could upset them.
10. Make sure they know your name or they call you coach, not Sir or Miss.
11. Use the correct size footballs. Size 3 for this age group.
12. Mix teams around so players don’t dominate.
13. Encourage natural leaders to be good role models for the team.
14. Stay calm and patient with bad behavior. Sit poorly behaved players out in a sin bin if need be, but ensure they
are supervised.
15. Involve them in problem solving. Ask questions and let them discuss amongst themselves, just guide them in
right direction.
16. Have a contingency plan if the practice is not working or they find it too easy or too hard.
17. Politely ask parents and guardians to remain unobtrusive as children need to focus on you and the game.
18. Don’t be tempted to join in. This affects your control and is dangerous.
19. Ensure fair play. Don’t overlook breaches of rules.
20. Encourage flair and risk taking, they must not be scared to make a mistake.
21. Keep heading sessions to no longer than 20 to 30 minutes max and check inflation on balls (not too hard/soft).
22. Use hand ball games to introduce co-ordination and passing and movement.
23. Remember, they watch your body language so stay bubbly. Avoid habits like folding your arms, constantly
looking at your watch, getting distracted by a keen parent or looking fed up.
24. Keep them busy. Minimum stoppages, except for drinks, and you can use this time for any questions.
25. Use and encourage humor but take care to avoid overuse of jargon. Remember, what adults see as funny,
children may not.
All of the above are in addition to the normal health and safety issues like registers, medical information, field and
equipment checks, and the correct playing kit etc.
It is vital that you have an assistant or other adult with you when coaching minors

Game ideas & bonus tips

1. Dribble Tag

In this game, designate one or two players as “taggers” and give them a pinnie or a different colored jersey. The other players each have a ball and try to dribble around without getting tagged. If a player gets tagged, they become a tagger as well. This game helps improve dribbling skills and agility.

2. Traffic Lights

In Traffic Lights, the coach acts as the traffic light. When the coach says “green light,” the players dribble their balls forward. When the coach says “red light,” the players stop their balls with their foot. This game helps develop listening skills, ball control, and reaction time.

3. Shark Attack

Set up a playing area with cones and designate one player as the “shark.” The other players try to dribble their balls from one end to the other without getting their ball touched by the shark. If a player’s ball gets touched, they become a shark as well. This game improves dribbling, spatial awareness, and decision-making.

4. Treasure Hunt

In Treasure Hunt, scatter cones or small objects around the playing area. Each player has a ball and tries to collect as many treasures as possible by dribbling their ball and touching the objects with their foot. This game enhances dribbling skills, coordination, and spatial awareness.

5. Animal Soccer

In Animal Soccer, assign each player an animal and encourage them to move and act like that animal while playing. For example, players assigned as lions can use their hands to catch the ball, while players assigned as monkeys can only use their feet. This game promotes creativity, imagination, and coordination.

Fun Games, Drills  & Practice Plans in PDF

Training 5-year-olds in soccer requires understanding their developmental needs and creating a positive learning environment. By keeping the drills and games simple, fun, and age-appropriate, you can help young children develop their soccer skills while fostering a love for the game.

Remember to focus on the fundamentals, provide positive reinforcement, and incorporate a variety of activities to keep the children engaged. With these tips and top fun soccer games, you can make training sessions enjoyable and beneficial for 5-year-olds.


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